REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday, March 31st is a MINI Day! Early Dismissal for all students is @ 1:05pm.
New Hope Road towards Galt is OPEN!
Twin Cities is also re-opened. Be careful of pot holes.
EARLY DISMISSAL @ 1:05pm all this week for Parent Teacher Conferences. Please make sure you are here to pick up your child on time. Thanks.
Daylight Savings Time Begins this Sunday, March 12, 2023. Remember to set your clocks 1 hour AHEAD!
Dress in your favorite SPORTS attire for our last day (Fri, 3/3) of Spirit Week!
Tomorrow's (Thurs 3/2) Spirit Day is dress from a different decade: 70's, 80's, 90's ,etc. Have fun!!!
Remember to dress like a Dynamic Duo, Trio or Twin tomorrow for Spirit Week!
Spirit Week starts Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. See flyer for Color Wars.
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Feb. 20, 2023---President's Day Birthday Holiday--- Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!!
Tomorrow, Wed 2/15/23 is a REGULAR SCHEDULE day, no Mini Day!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023---Lincoln's Day Birthday Holiday---
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!!
Last day to purchase Valentine Grams is Friday, Feb. 10, 2023. Please come by and get yours before they sell out!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 13, 2023... Lincoln's Birthday Holiday...Enjoy the weekend.
Our Bus is back up and running!
Monday, January 16, 2023 is Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. There will be no school!
Winter Break is 12/19/2022 to 1/6/2023 (No School)...Happy Holidays!...Have a great New Year. See you in 2023!!!
Wednesday, Dec. 14th is a regular school day-dismissal @ 2:30pm......Early Dismissal is Friday, Dec. 16th @ 1:05pm to kick off the Winter Holiday Break.
EARLY DISMISSAL all this week @ 1:05pm
No School next week-enjoy your Thanksgiving Break.
MINI DAY this week is THURSDAY, NOV 10, 2022 early dismissal @ 1:05pm
Wednesday is a regular dismissal and No School on Friday.