Wednesday, December 15th is a regular day, dismissal @ 2:30pm****** Friday, December 17th is a mini day, dismissal @ 1:05pm******** El miércoles 15 de diciembre es un día regular, salida a las 2:30 pm *******El viernes 17 de diciembre es un día pequeño, salida a la 1:05 pm
REMINDER: No School on Thursday, 11/11/21 to honor Veteran's Day Holiday. ---Friday, 11/12/21 is a Mini day, early dismissal @ 1:05pm.---Parent-Teacher conferences start Monday 11/15/21 thru Friday 11/19/21. These days will be Mini Days, early dismissal @ 1:05pm. ---Thanksgiving Break starts Monday 11/22/21 thru Friday 11/26/21-no school. ---Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Flu Clinic at New Hope Elementary for all students is this Thursday, October 7, 2021 during school hours. Please turn in consent forms for your child for them to receive the flu shot. See flyers posted for more information.
First Day of School/Primer Dia de Escuela August 11, 2021
Last Day of School/Ultimo Dia de Escuela June 2, 2022
As we prepare for the start of the 2021-2022 school year, we are planning on a full return to in-person teaching and learning, as long as the health conditions allow for us to safely do so. We understand that some families may decide they do not want to return to the traditional full-in-person teaching and learning schedule. Therefore, the New Hope Elementary School will be offering an Independent Study program through the San Joaquin County office of Education, in Stockton. If you are interested in disenrolling from NHESD and enrolling in Independent Study, contact the school at 794-2376.
Mientras nos preparamos para el inicio del año escolar 2021-2022, estamos planeando el regreso a clases de aprendizaje en persona tiempo completo, siempre y cuando las condiciones de salud nos lo permitan de manera segura. Entendemos que algunas familias pueden decidir que no quieren volver al horario tradicional de enseñanza y aprendizaje en persona. Por lo tanto, la Escuela Primaria New Hope ofrecerá un programa de Estudio Independiente a través de la oficina de Educación del Condado de San Joaquín, en Stockton. Si está interesado en dar de baja del Distrito Escolar de New Hope e inscribirse en un Estudio Independiente, comuníquese con la escuela al 794-2376.
Carta de Notificacion a Los Padres-Programa de Estudios Independientes
Parent Notification Letter-Independent Study Program English
The school will be closed on Wednesday, March 31st, 2021. We are having an electrical pole replaced in our area and this will leave the school without power. We will return to school the next day.
You can read more about the planned outage below or by clicking this link:
Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s green week!
Happy Fall!
It’s yellow week!
It’s orange week. 😊
It’s red week in Kinder.
It’s red week in Kindergarten.
Free COVID-19 Testing in Thornton, CA on September 3, 2020. Click the link to see more information:
Class of 2020-21
Welcome Back, Tigers!!!