Missing my Kinder Stars!! Please stay safe!
Kinder Grad-Jeramiah Martinez
Kinder Grad- Noah Campos
Distance Learning in Kinder
Distance Learning in Kinder
Distance Learning in Kinder
Distance learning in Kinder
Distance Learning in Kinder
Distance Learning in Kinder
Thanks to our parents , for our wonderful surprise. New Hope parents are so awesome!!!!!
Weekly drop off/pick up of student work! Thank you everyone!
Thank You Parents For All Of Your Support!!!
Chromebooks! We’re Ready!!!
Distance learning- That’s my boy.
Please view the updated letter regarding school closures through June 5. Letters can be found here: https://www.nhesd.net/covid-19-information--44
Please view the updated letter regarding school closures. We are set to resume on Monday, April 20th. Letters can be found here: https://www.nhesd.net/covid-19-information--44
Please read 20 minutes per day. 👍🏻
Please check your emails and join my Class Dojo. On this site, you will find teacher messages, pictures, and videos. Thank you!
Missing my kids!
Schools will be temporarily closed, effective Monday, March 16, in response to the novel coronavirus. We are tentatively scheduled to reopen on April 6 and updated information will be provided as it is made available. For more information, please visit https://www.nhesd.net/o/elementary/browse/111179